
Our First Home

Andrew got a teaching job at the end of summer as a 4th grade teacher, in the Mound Westonka district. We were so overjoyed. I could not stop crying tears of relief, joy, and thankfulness. We had been hoping and praying for that moment for two years. It was a long road of waiting, patience, and feeling stuck at times. God was so faithful in the ways he provided for us though in His timing. We are so thankful for that.

His new job hit us like a whirlwind and brought about many positive changes. He found out he got the teaching job at 10:30pm on a Sunday evening. He started his new job at 7am the next Monday morning. He had to end his current summer job a week early and we had to go shopping to buy him more teacher clothes since he would need that type of wardrobe daily now. I also put in my two weeks notice at one of my jobs (Salon Centric) since Andrew would be working full time. With managing our apartment building one of us needed to be available to prospective and current residents at least part time.

After these changes slowly started to sink in, we realized that we could not give our 100% best efforts anymore at managing our apartment. We decided to start looking at apartments with the thought of moving out in the fall before the holidays. God answered our prayers a lot quicker than we anticipated and we found a place in Minnetonka that is perfectly placed between our jobs, and in our budget. We moved the middle of September, just two weeks after beginning to look.

Deciding to move was a very bittersweet choice. We had really gotten to know our residents over the last two years and nine months we had managed. It was so fun to live in a community of people we knew. We also enjoyed the area we lived in. It was within walking distance of Lake Harriet, antique shops, coffee shops, a farmers market, and 3 miles from my nanny job. It was also hard to give up the free rent (which came with a lot of sweat and hard work). Most of all though, the thought of leaving our first home was sad. It was the place where we spent the first few days of marriage in, where we had our first Christmas, our first big arguments, and our first big joys. We shared so much laughter, tears, and hours snaking drains in resident's apartments. We learned that we are two selfish people in a relationship that demands selflessness. We started to learn to love and how to love, and we will continue to learn it for as long as we live, wherever we live.

I'm so thankful for our small 600 square foot apartment that we have been able to call home the first few years of our marriage. I'm thankful that I was able to learn how to cook meals that Drew likes in that tiny kitchen that I never thought I would be able to make anything in when I first saw how small it was. And I am thankful for our new place where we have 1,000+ square feet, vaulted ceilings, a balcony, a walk-in closet, and best of all, a big kitchen that I can move around in and fit our table in! The Lord has really blessed us!

I couldn't leave our first little home that we learned and grew so much in without something to remember it by. My good friend Bridget came over one Saturday afternoon (the Saturday before we moved to be exact) and took some snapshots of me and Andrew in our home doing things we often do together. 


I'm Back!

Hey friends and family!
You are about to read the update of a lifetime. So much has changed in our lives since I've last blogged. This last summer/fall has been a whirlwind and I am so thankful for all of the blessings that have come our way. Here is what the Stokes' have been up to the last 6 months:

I soaked up my last couple months as a nanny of one child by taking Leo to different zoos, splash pads, parks, and lakes. We even found baby snapping turtles once.
Me and Leo

I decided to take the plunge and chop my hair off. I wouldn't say I regret my decision, but I wish it was long again now that it's winter. 

We attended a few Twins game with my dad and with each other.

Me and my dad

Andrew and me

I received what I guess you could call a "promotion" at work when the family I nanny for had their second baby. A little boy named Willis Charles. Boy is it busy having an infant and a new two year old!

We were able to make it up north to the cabin a couple times to relax and enjoy the sun.

Andrew getting ready for some extreme tubing

I was able to enjoy plenty of yummy ice cream.
Me and my mom

We were able to squeeze in a few fun summer dates. 
Andrew and me on a mini golf date

I got my sunset fix for the year. There were some real beauties this year!

I was able to make it to the Minnesota State Fair… a couple of times this year!
Bridget and me

Me eating fried pickles… a must at the MN State Fair

My cousins Annie, Cortney, and me

Our friends Laura and Audrey that moved to Japan last October came to visit this summer! It was crazy to see how much Audrey had grown and changed since we last saw her when she was 6 months old.
Me and Audrey

Laura and me

Andrew got a 4th grade teaching job in the Mound Westonka district where he coaches baseball, so we moved to Minnetonka!
Me driving the big Uhaul moving truck all by myself… scariest moments of my life.

 We became a first time aunt and uncle to baby Whitfield (Whit) Elliot Stokes. What precious gift from God little Whit is!

We visited Minnetonka orchards, did a corn maze, took a hay ride, ate some cider donuts, bought apples, picked out pumpkins and carved them.  
Me and Andrew

On the hayride

Me and my favorite scarecrow 

Me and Andrew choosing pumpkins

Our pumpkins we carved. I carved the owl and Andrew carved the batman symbol

I enjoyed many fall walks in the beautiful fall colors with my little men. 

Leo, me, and Willis

Now that you are filled in with our happenings the last 6 months, check back in to see a memory of our first "home" we've lived in the last 2 and 3/4 years of marriage, my latest adventures in sewing, thoughts on life, and many more happenings in the Stokes' life.