
Andrew's First Father's Day

this last sunday, june 21st, marked andrew's first father's day. a father holds a special place in a girl's life. a father is a little girl's first love. he shows her how she should be loved, treated, and cared for. his role has so much influence in her life, it is an important job to take on. i was so blessed to honor my husband, andrew, on his first father's day as he takes on this roll in tessa's life. 

i am thankful tessa has a godly example in her life to show her that she has value and should be treated that way. i'm so thankful that andrew models that love to her in the ways he loves me as well. every girl deserves respect and i'm glad andrew will be able to teach tessa that. he is the perfect man to be an example to her of god's perfect love for us. i cannot wait to continue to watch their relationship develop as she gets older. 

a father loves a daughter 
like no other love on earth.
from the day that he first meets her,
nothing can compare her worth.

forever are they bonded with
a love that never fails.
for always he will hug her
and kiss goodnight, with fairy tales.

he will love her and protect her with
strong arms just in case
but will also hug her tenderly
with a fatherly embrace.

eskimo kisses touch her nose, 
with a giggle and a squeeze
and that sparkle in her little eyes
could bring him to his knees.

what more could any father want, 
than a daughter so sweet and pure.
there's nothing in this world so rare,
of that he can be sure.

a father's love is so unique
it cannot be replaced.
he will always treasure times with her
and memories embraced.


Tessa Joy - 2 Months

weight: 11 pounds and 4 ounces (50%)

height: 22.5 inches (50%)

nicknames: tess, nug, baby, tessie, stinky

hates: wet diapers, tummy time, being tired

loves: when dad sings/talks to her, baths, laying on her changing table, riding in the car/her car seat, chewing on her hands, smiling at us when she wakes up

milestones: smiling at us when she sees us or if we talk to her, cooing and starting to use her "voice", slept through the night (8 hours straight) at 7.5 weeks old, can pretty much hold her head up on her own, graduated to 3 month clothing

tessa joy, 

you are two months old now and you are just the cutest and sweetest little lady we know. you started smiling this month and we melt every time you flash us your toothless grin. you also discovered your voice and we love to hear you talk to us. i pray you always have a strong voice baby. you continue to amaze us with how alert you are. your gaze follows us around the room, you are showing interest in your hanging toys, and you've started to notice yourself in your activity mat mirror. you've also discovered your hands and how yummy they taste. i can sense more of a schedule forming around when you wake, eat, nap, and are ready for bed. you sleep about six hours your first stretch of the night, but on june 5th, you slept 8 hours straight. mommy and daddy were so proud of you! you are getting so good at eating lately. you've cut your feeding time in half and have gained over two pounds in the last month. your head is in the 95th percentile. i think its making room for all your brains because i know you will be so smart! you are growing way too fast though! you are officially in three month clothing and out of your newborn sizes. maybe slow down just a little. you are getting prettier by the day, baby, and we continue to thank god for you every day. we love you so much!


mom and dad