
I Get To Be The One

well hello, 
little baby.
your eyes have never seen the sun
you should know 
little baby
that i am the lucky one

i get to be the one to hold your hand
i get to be the one.
through birthdays and broken bones
i'll be there to watch you grow
i get to be the one.

don't feel alone now,
little baby.
do you hear me singing you a song
i can't wait to show you
little baby
how to crawl
how to walk 
and how to run

i get to be the one to hold your hand
i get to be the one.
through birthdays and broken bones
i'll be there to watch you grow
i get to be the one

how does someone so small
hold my heart so tightly
i don't even know you
i love you completely

i get to be the one to hold your hand
i get to be the one.
through birthdays and broken bones
i'll be there to watch you grow
i get to be the one to hold your hand
i get to be the one
through birthdays and broken bones
i'll be there to watch you grow
i get to be the one.

-jj heller

Tessa Joy - 6 Months

weight: 15lbs 7oz (50th percentile)

height: 27 inches (90th percentile)

nicknames: tess, baby, little mama, munchery

hates: pooping, being alone, that she can't crawl

loves: any and all solid foods (will even eat carrots now), reading books, touching our faces, her blankey.

milestones: cheeses every time we go to take a picture of her, raises her arms when she wants up, started taking baths in the big bath tub, hair is getting darker and thicker, sleeping through the night again.

tessa joy,

we cannot believe you have been with us for six months already! time really does go so fast! you are a wonderful sitter now and could sit and play until you wear yourself out. you have gotten very good at grabbing anything and everything around you and shaking it like a crazy lady. you love toys that make noise. you have rolled over a time or two, but don't seem in a big hurry to be mobile. as long as you can see us, you're happy. you started taking baths in the big bath tub now. the water makes it harder for you to keep your balance when sitting, but you love to splash and play regardless. you continue to bring so much joy to our lives. as much as we'd love to freeze time just a bit, it's so much fun to watch you grow into the little person you are. we love you so much!

mom and dad