
Two Years

Today marks mine and Andrew's two year wedding anniversary. It is so crazy to think that it has already been two years since we said, "I do." The Lord has really been molding and shaping our hearts in the past two years. Along with marriage comes a lot of adjustments and changes, some you like and some you don't. But those changes and adjustments are what mold and shape you into being the best spouse you can be.


Thank you for asking me out on our first date and falling in love with me. Even though I was scared to go on the first date because I didn't like you, thanks for making it the best time ever and changing my mind. Underwater world will always have a special place in my heart.

Thank you for leading us and helping me draw closer to the Lord. Even though it's hard sometimes, you are constantly fighting to keep Christ the center of our relationship. Thank you for your patience with me when I struggle with my pride and selfishness. You are such an example of Christ showing me grace and mercy over and over again.

I can't wait for you to have your own classroom one day. You will be such a great teacher with your passion for kids and learning. I'm also excited to raise a family with you one day, Lord willing. You will be the best father any child could ask for. Dad's are very important in families and I know you will love our kids with all your heart. I can't wait for that day. I'm excited to see what the Lord has in store for our family.

You treat me so well and are always putting me before yourself. Thank you for forgiving me and always extending God's grace to me when I have wronged you. Thank you for comforting me in life's painful moments, and thank you for laughing with me in the joyful times. One of my favorite things about you is your adventurous spirit and spontaneity. Thanks for keeping me young and on my toes.

Most of all, thanks for being the husband that you are. I can be completely ridiculous with you and you will just laugh with me (not at me right!?). I'm so thankful I get to spend the rest of my life with you! This is still the beginning of our adventure. I can't wait to see all God has in store for us.

your wife,


The Lull

I've been in kind of a lull lately. 

I want to blog, but not quite sure what to blog about. 

I have some Christmas shopping to do still, but I don't really know what to get or even have a strong desire to go look around. 

I have a list of lovely crafts waiting for me, but every time I plan to do them I'd rather just sit. 

I feel like the childlike joy and excitement I've had for months for this season is slowly fading.

Where is it going?

I still am excited about parties, family, friends, and celebrating Jesus' birth, but it's not the same excitement as it was a couple weeks ago.

The holidays are always a busy time of year with a lot to think about and do. 

Work has been super busy lately and kind of stressful.

I feel like my head is foggy lately and I feel scatterbrained.

I haven't been taking adequate quite time with my Lord and I can definitely tell how it is affecting my heart.

I'm going to lay it all at the feet of the one who loves me most though and fight for my joy in Christ.

His mercies are new every day. Praise Jesus for that!

On another note…

We went to the Christmas Carol play this past weekend at the Guthrie. It was fantastic! I loved the creative set and how they told the stories. The character's personalities were very well portrayed as well. It was a lovely Stokes family outing. 

We also got about a foot of snow this weekend. It was so beautiful! I did voyage out in the snow to run some errands, but I eventually gave up and went home. Sitting inside our cozy apartment with the Christmas lights on watching the snow fall outside sounded like a much better idea. As much as it has stunk to drive anywhere the last few days, I am so thankful for the snow and the fact that we will have a white Christmas! 

I took this photo out of our apartment window on Sunday morning. This is around inch 2 of the foot we got. I wish I had taken more throughout the day when you could really see the beautiful white flakes coming down. It sure was a gorgeous sight! 

Here's to spreading the love and joy of Christ this holiday season. 


Tis The Season

After a lovely extended week of November and giving thanks, it is Christmas time. Andrew and I spent the afternoon on Sunday decorating for Christmas. That is one of my favorite things this time of year, decorating our living space with my love. It makes my heart feel full and makes me even more excited for this lovely season of celebrating Christ's birth. I even wrapped a few presents that were already bought. What a lovely evening it was!

This is one of my favorite wedding gifts we received. Our African nativity scene.

Andrew's Christmas village

Andrew's Christmas village

Naughty Darla playing with the lights… She's already eaten one light.

Stringing the lights onto the tree

One of our traditions is Drew always puts the star (snowflake) at the top of the tree once it's all decorated.

Our lovely tree all decorated with ornaments from our childhoods. Every Christmas our parents would give us an ornament. Kind of cool that both our families did that growing up.

Merry Christmas!

What are some of your favorite Christmas traditions you and your family do?