
Tis The Season

After a lovely extended week of November and giving thanks, it is Christmas time. Andrew and I spent the afternoon on Sunday decorating for Christmas. That is one of my favorite things this time of year, decorating our living space with my love. It makes my heart feel full and makes me even more excited for this lovely season of celebrating Christ's birth. I even wrapped a few presents that were already bought. What a lovely evening it was!

This is one of my favorite wedding gifts we received. Our African nativity scene.

Andrew's Christmas village

Andrew's Christmas village

Naughty Darla playing with the lights… She's already eaten one light.

Stringing the lights onto the tree

One of our traditions is Drew always puts the star (snowflake) at the top of the tree once it's all decorated.

Our lovely tree all decorated with ornaments from our childhoods. Every Christmas our parents would give us an ornament. Kind of cool that both our families did that growing up.

Merry Christmas!

What are some of your favorite Christmas traditions you and your family do?

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