
Week 16

week: sixteen

fruit size of baby: avocado

cravings: pickles, corndogs, mcdonald's french fries. i have not given into the last two.

aversions: spicy food, mexican food - although i did eat Chipotle over the weekend.

weight gain: 8.5 lbs

exercise: i've been walking every day on my afternoon breaks at work. i need to start going to our apartment gym.

sleep: i've actually been sleeping really well. no dreams as of yet. only waking up maybe once a night to use the bathroom.

belly: getting bigger. no stretch marks yet.

clothes: still wearing my normal pants although i don't know how much longer i'll be able to do that. i've borrowed a few maternity shirts and bought a few on garage sale sites.

movement: no feelings of movement yet. i hear it can happen any day now.

gender: will find out on Dec 12th!

names: pretty confident in two boy names, girl names we have a couple ideas, but can't really agree on.

worries: nothing really at this point. 

what i love: getting to park in the "expecting mothers" parking spots by the door at work.   

what i am looking forward to: thanksgiving and finding out the gender.

milestones: no big milestones lately

best moment of the week: (in week 15) over mea break andrew took me to stillwater and we stayed in a bed and breakfast. we ate at yummy restaurants and explored the town. we also got to see some good friends we rarely see. we also went to Minnetonka orchards with some good friends and ate cider donuts, drank apple cider, and walked through a corn maze. it was a great weekend!

amusing comments from the general public: in the elevator at work a lady was talking to me about needing caffeine to survive. i told her i go every day without it. she awkwardly scanned my body and i told her yes, i'm pregnant and she replied, "i thought so but didn't want to ask because there's always that fat stage.

baby mama drama: i cried over not being able to agree on girl names... even though we don't even know what gender we're having yet. i told andrew our child is going to be nameless. i blame pregnancy hormones.


Week 14

week: fourteen

fruit size of baby: lemon

cravings: bacon, chicken noodle soup

aversions: ground beef, mexican food

weight gain: +7 pounds

exercise: none at this point. i'm hoping for more energy soon so i can start going for walks again.

sleep: nice deep sleep. waking up about once a night to use the bathroom.

belly: getting bigger. no stretch marks yet. 

clothes: starting to get uncomfortable to wear my pre-baby jeans. some shirts are no longer long enough to cover as much as i'd like. thinking about investing in some maternity clothes staples

movement: haven't felt the little peanut yet, but hoping to one day soon!

gender: boy or girl? we will find out 12/12

names: we have a couple lists. we have two boy names we love. we cannot agree on a girl's name.

worries: nothing really at this point.

what i love: actually starting to look pregnant (in some clothes). 

what i am looking forward to: finding out the gender

milestones: making it to the second trimester! we are officially one third of the way to meeting our sweet babe.

best moment of the week: going to the wild game with my friend cassandra. 

amusing comments from the general public: haven't really had any yet. probably will have more as i get bigger.

baby mama drama: lately at night if i wait too long to eat dinner, i start gagging until i eat something. 

Guess What!?

we are expecting a bundle of joy in april 2015!
we could not be more excited or feel more blessed!

we cannot wait to share this exciting journey of becoming parents with you!