
Week 14

week: fourteen

fruit size of baby: lemon

cravings: bacon, chicken noodle soup

aversions: ground beef, mexican food

weight gain: +7 pounds

exercise: none at this point. i'm hoping for more energy soon so i can start going for walks again.

sleep: nice deep sleep. waking up about once a night to use the bathroom.

belly: getting bigger. no stretch marks yet. 

clothes: starting to get uncomfortable to wear my pre-baby jeans. some shirts are no longer long enough to cover as much as i'd like. thinking about investing in some maternity clothes staples

movement: haven't felt the little peanut yet, but hoping to one day soon!

gender: boy or girl? we will find out 12/12

names: we have a couple lists. we have two boy names we love. we cannot agree on a girl's name.

worries: nothing really at this point.

what i love: actually starting to look pregnant (in some clothes). 

what i am looking forward to: finding out the gender

milestones: making it to the second trimester! we are officially one third of the way to meeting our sweet babe.

best moment of the week: going to the wild game with my friend cassandra. 

amusing comments from the general public: haven't really had any yet. probably will have more as i get bigger.

baby mama drama: lately at night if i wait too long to eat dinner, i start gagging until i eat something. 

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