
Week 28

week: twenty eight

fruit size of baby eggplant

cravings: cinnamon french toast, oreo shakes, fresh pears, blueberries, apples, fruit smoothies, basically anything fruity and refreshing. 

aversions: the smell of andrew's deodorant and caesar salad. 

weight gain: 19.5 lbs

exercise: back to walking two times a day on my breaks at work, bought a pregnancy yoga dvd that i started, and went ice skating on friday night 

sleep: waking up a few times each night to re-adjust. i've learned that the earlier i go to bed and the more active i am throughout the day, the better i sleep at night. 

belly: always growing. feels tight lately and baby girl's movements are getting bigger as there is less room for her to move. still no stretch marks and belly button is officially starting to poke out.

clothes: maternity pants and shirts for work and sweatpants as soon as i get home.

movement: loves to move in the am, after lunch in the early afternoon, and at night after dinner. andrew loves to play with her, he'll poke my belly and she will poke back and we can feel limbs. kind of crazy!

genderwe are having a baby girl! that reality is starting to feel more real!

names: we have a list. haven't added any new names lately, but also haven't talked about names in awhile.

worries: passing my glucose test, and making it to my due date. i feel like everyone is giving birth early lately.

what i love: feeling baby girl's movements lately and andrew reading to her at night.

what i am looking forward to: upcoming weddings, and my baby showers people are throwing for baby girl.

milestones: making it to the third trimester! twelve more weeks to go!

best moment of the weekstarting on baby girl's projects i'm making for her and registering for her with andrew.  

amusing comments from the general public: haven't really had any amusing comments, but people are starting to touch my belly! its fun when she moves for people. i like seeing the reactions. 

baby mama drama: learning which friends are fully supportive of us in this life change and which aren't


Week 26

week: twenty six

fruit size of baby: head of lettuce 

cravings: salad, french fries, fresh pears, bacon cheeseburgers. 

aversions: the smell of andrew's deodorant and caesar salad. 

weight gain: 19 lbs

exercise: been slacking in this area the last two weeks... I blame the holidays! 

sleep: waking up a few times each night. Having trouble getting back to sleep right away.

belly: growing daily... i think i can see it grow sometimes. my belly button is starting to poke out now. no stretch marks yet.

clothes: mostly sweatpants and comfy clothes the last couple weeks as I was off work for the holidays.

movement: all the time! getting stronger and more consistent at certain times of the day

genderwe are having a baby girl! still soaking in that reality every day!

names: we have a pretty solid list going. might try to narrow down soon, but still open to adding to it if we think of a new name.

worries: staying healthy during cold and flu season and not being able to fit into any clothes by april.

what i love: all the adorable outfits baby girl has been getting. 

what i am looking forward to: my birthday, the bachelor, and registering for baby girl.

milestones: agreeing on a few girl names

best moment of the weekcelebrating the holidays with family

amusing comments from the general public: haven't really had any comments from the public.

baby mama drama: No baby mama drama lately.