
Week 26

week: twenty six

fruit size of baby: head of lettuce 

cravings: salad, french fries, fresh pears, bacon cheeseburgers. 

aversions: the smell of andrew's deodorant and caesar salad. 

weight gain: 19 lbs

exercise: been slacking in this area the last two weeks... I blame the holidays! 

sleep: waking up a few times each night. Having trouble getting back to sleep right away.

belly: growing daily... i think i can see it grow sometimes. my belly button is starting to poke out now. no stretch marks yet.

clothes: mostly sweatpants and comfy clothes the last couple weeks as I was off work for the holidays.

movement: all the time! getting stronger and more consistent at certain times of the day

genderwe are having a baby girl! still soaking in that reality every day!

names: we have a pretty solid list going. might try to narrow down soon, but still open to adding to it if we think of a new name.

worries: staying healthy during cold and flu season and not being able to fit into any clothes by april.

what i love: all the adorable outfits baby girl has been getting. 

what i am looking forward to: my birthday, the bachelor, and registering for baby girl.

milestones: agreeing on a few girl names

best moment of the weekcelebrating the holidays with family

amusing comments from the general public: haven't really had any comments from the public.

baby mama drama: No baby mama drama lately.


  1. I think Nichelle would be a great name not common at all!! I've been reading your blog I think its a great way to keep up to date with some family.

    1. Thank you! That is my hope; that family and friends that live out of town, or we don't see as often will have a way to stay up to date. Thanks for the name suggestion! I have to run it by the General... It's hard being a teacher and trying to name a baby.
