
Tessa Joy - 1 Month

i cannot believe tessa is already one month old. they say time flies and to cherish every second with them... boy, they were not kidding!

weight: 8 pounds and 11.2 oz (at three weeks)

height: 22.5 inches

nicknames: tess, nug, baby

hates: getting dressed, wet diapers

loves: baths, riding in the car, when dad talks to her, staring out windows

milestones: can follow the sound of our voices by moving her head back and forth, has a very strong neck and can hold her head up pretty steady on her own for a good two minutes or so. 

tessa joy,

you are one month old. i tried to soak in every bit of your newborn sweetness, but your first month still flew by. you just grew out of some of your newborn clothes (you have long legs!). you eat every 2 - 3 hours during the day and every 4 - 5 hours at night. you have always been a good eater! you gulp down milk as fast as possible sometimes making yourself choke. you also take a bottle from your dad with no problem (the couple times you needed extra). you went on your first target trip with me when you were 3.5 weeks old. you did so well until we got to the checkout. you decided it was time to eat and you wanted to eat now. you screamed so loud i think the whole store heard you. i hope you always have a strong voice baby. your daddy and i praise god for you every day. we are still in awe that he blessed us with you, a baby girl. you are such a good baby. you love to be cuddled and talked to more than anything. you have been a great sleeper from the beginning, and those few hard nights we've had have only given me the opportunity to pray for you as i try to rock you back to sleep. the only time you seem to cry is if you're hungry, or have a wet diaper. we are so blessed to have you baby! we love you more than anything and you have our hearts!

- love mom and dad


Tessa Joy Stokes

meet our sweet baby girl, 
tessa joy stokes

april 14, 2015
8lbs 11oz
21.5 inches long
born at 1:45pm

if i could freeze time so i could soak in her tiny, delicate features, her whimpery newborn cry, and her soft, wrinkly baby skin i would. i never want to forget these newborn days.

we are completely smitten

and we love her so much! 


Maternity Pictures

i am finally getting around to sharing our maternity pictures taken by the lovely kelsey englund. you can check out her website here or you can give her some facebook love here

we went to minnehaha falls in minneapolis for our pictures per my request. i never thought about the fact that a frozen waterfall doesn't mix well with a preggo lady... i only hopped one fence, climbed a minor mountain, and almost got pushed off a cliff to get theses shots. needless to say, andrew was thankful when the first series of pictures were over.

i love how kelsey captures the moment so perfectly. she will do just about anything to get the perfect shot for you!

we decided to take some less dangerous shots on solid ground after my near death experience. 

one of my favorite photos! so sweet!

we just can't wait to meet this baby girl! thank you so much kelsey for taking our maternity photos!