
Maternity Pictures

i am finally getting around to sharing our maternity pictures taken by the lovely kelsey englund. you can check out her website here or you can give her some facebook love here

we went to minnehaha falls in minneapolis for our pictures per my request. i never thought about the fact that a frozen waterfall doesn't mix well with a preggo lady... i only hopped one fence, climbed a minor mountain, and almost got pushed off a cliff to get theses shots. needless to say, andrew was thankful when the first series of pictures were over.

i love how kelsey captures the moment so perfectly. she will do just about anything to get the perfect shot for you!

we decided to take some less dangerous shots on solid ground after my near death experience. 

one of my favorite photos! so sweet!

we just can't wait to meet this baby girl! thank you so much kelsey for taking our maternity photos!

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