week: eighteen
fruit size of baby: sweet potato
cravings: pickles, corndogs, mcdonald's french fries, any fried food I can get my hands on. i finally gave into corn dogs… they were on sale and i had a coupon. it was a sign.
aversions: not really any aversions lately.
weight gain: 9.5 lbs
exercise: i've been lacking in the exercise department again.
sleep: sleep has been harder the last week. i am a back sleeper and the doctor told me it is time i start sleeping on my sides because of the weight of my uterus is getting heavier which can be dangerous if i sleep on my back. i also get really stuffy at night which makes it hard to sleep. i still only wake up maybe once a night to use the bathroom.
belly: getting bigger. no stretch marks yet. belly button is slowly starting to push out.
clothes: i borrowed a pair of maternity pants from a friend… best choice i've ever made! so comfortable! i've borrowed a few maternity shirts and bought a few on garage sale sites.
movement: i felt baby move for the first time on 11/2 at 17 weeks and 1 day. i randomly feel baby move when i'm relaxing or sitting still. it feels like little pitter patters or bubbles.
gender: will find out on Dec 12th!
names: pretty confident in two boy names, girl names we have a couple ideas, but can't really agree on.
worries: nothing really at this point.
what i love: getting to park in the "expecting mothers" parking spots by the door at work.
what i am looking forward to: lunch with family on sunday, my upcoming craft fair, thanksgiving and finding out the gender.
milestones: feeling baby move for the first time!
best moment of the week: Randomly feeling baby move, and the purchase of a body pillow.
amusing comments from the general public: i've had a couple strangers say things to me about expecting. one cute old man pointed out that it looks like i'm eating for two. his friend looked at him and said, "you can't say things like that unless you're sure!" the old man replied, "it's obvious! she's glowing!"
baby mama drama: nothing really
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