
Week 20

maybe one day I'll get these posts out on time. i was 20 weeks on saturday! half way to meeting our babe!

week: twenty

fruit size of baby: banana

cravings: french fries, hard candies, cheetos, gummy bears/worms

aversions: not really any aversions. mexican still doesn't sound great but i'll eat it.

weight gain: 11.5 lbs

exercise: i take a 15 minute walk up two time a day at work. 

sleep: not like it used to be. i wake up multiple times a night tossing and turning and needing to use the bathroom. it has been so dry and stuffy too making it hard to fall back asleep.

belly: getting bigger. no stretch marks yet. belly button is almost non-existant.

clothes: wearing mostly maternity now. the only non maternity i can still fit into are t-shirts that are long and stretchy, and two pairs of non-maternity jeans if i wear a belly band with them.

movement: baby is a mover. moving all the time when i'm sitting or lying still, or when i have music playing. andrew hasn't felt it move it. he has tried and he can't wait to feel it.

gender: will find out on Dec 12th!

names: pretty confident in two boy names, girl names we have a couple ideas, but can't really agree on one yet.

worries: if i will get sleep at night or not.  

what i love: feeling the babe move, especially at night when i can't sleep.    

what i am looking forward to: thanksgiving (one of my favorite holidays), holiday parties, finding out the gender, christmas!

milestones: making it to week 20! half way to meeting our babe!

best moment of the week: my craft fair! it was a huge success and so fun to see some people i haven't seen in awhile.

amusing comments from the general public: not too many comments lately. lots of comments about "my cute baby bump" but that's about it. 

baby mama drama: nothing really

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