
Week 30

week: thirty

fruit size of baby cantaloupe 

cravings: cinnamon french toast, blueberries, grapefruit, bacon... I find a reason to put bacon on everything 

aversions: spicy things and red sauce. they give me acid reflux. 

weight gain: 21.5 lbs

exercise: back to walking two times a day on my breaks at work and prenatal yoga 

sleep: waking up a few times each night to re-adjust. some nights are better than others. 

belly: getting bigger and my stomach and bladder capacity are getting smaller. i think i have one tiny stretch mark on my left side, but i'm not really sure. my belly button is officially starting to poke out too.

clothes: maternity pants and shirts for work and sweatpants as soon as i get home.

movement: loves to move in the am, after lunch in the early afternoon, and at night after dinner. andrew loves to play with her, he'll poke my belly and she will poke back and we can feel limbs. kind of crazy!

genderwe are having a baby girl! that reality is starting to feel more real!

nameswe have a list. we are starting to more seriously talk about names and start narrowing down. my favorite has been crossed off, but so has drew's favorite.

worries: i don't really have many worries. the lord has really given me a peace lately and i'm very thankful for that!

what i love: spending my free time working on projects for baby girl. 

what i am looking forward to: baby showers friends and family are throwing for baby girl, and finishing her quilt and other things i'm making for her.

milestones: still being able to paint my toenails and wax my legs and making it to 30 weeks! it blows my mind that we only have 10 weeks left!

best moment of the week: andrew playing guitar for her and feeling her completely shift to the side of my stomach that was closest to him as if she was trying to get closer. she loves music and when andrew talks to her.

amusing comments from the general public: a few people that don't know me have started statements with, "when i was that pregnant..." i must really be popping out more lately!

baby mama drama: failing my one hour glucose test, having to take the 3 hour glucose test, only to have to take the three hour one again in three weeks... third time's the charm?

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