week: thirty eight
fruit size of baby: pumpkin
cravings: lemons or anything lemon, anything really cold - chocolate milk shakes, smoothies, ice water, etc.
aversions: don't really have any aversions, but preferring to eat more bland foods lately to help with heartburn.
weight gain: 30 pounds
exercise: i've been so exhausted the last two weeks that i really haven't done much for exercise. Just one short walk a day and exercises on my yoga ball.
sleep: waking up at least 3 times a night now if not more. i usually can fall right back asleep though after adjusting.
belly: about to pop and full of stretch marks. they aren't very dark though so hoping they will fade.
clothes: squeezing into what maternity clothes still fit over my belly (mostly having this issue with shirts) and still rapping my bright orange tennis shoes
movement: still quite a mover! she loves to kick my right ribs at night... the pain wakes me up.
gender: we are having a baby girl and we are both so excited to meet her!
names: we now have a "hospital list" that consists of two names so far. we may or may not add anymore, but we will choose the name when we meet her.
worries: having to be induced or having a long hard labor and not being able to do it naturally without drugs - mostly fear of the unknown.
what i love: knowing she could come anytime now and knowing that we have a doula who will be there to help us cope through labor.
what i am looking forward to: meeting our little lady and naming her! i can't wait to call her by name!
milestones: making it full term! and still being able to paint my toenails and tie my own shoes... this is a huge feat with a large belly, but i can do it!
best moment of the week: my swelling went down (thanks to my bright orange tennis shoes)! i still don't wear my wedding ring though (more out of fear that my swelling will come back and i won't be able to get it off). also, setting up a few last minute things for baby and packing her diaper bag and getting ready for the hospital.
amusing comments from the general public: random women have been coming up to me and asking when i'm due, then they proceed to tell me how their labor started and/or their birth stories. this has happened about five different times in the last couple weeks. andrew also told me that getting me out the door lately is like trying to move a hippo out of the water. i asked him if that was a fat joke and he said no you're just really slow moving lately. i laughed pretty hard at that.
baby mama drama: an angry mother of a student i was talking to on the phone at work told me to get a life. i hung up on her and instantly started crying. thank you pregnancy hormones.
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