
Tessa Joy - 7 Months

weight: 16lbs 5oz 

height: 27 inches

teeth: one on the bottom

nicknames: tess, hunny, munchery

hates: getting her face wiped, falling asleep on her own, baths in the tub (the water makes her face plant)

loves: books, music/dancing, pureed food, her jumper

milestones: got her first tooth, started waving

tessa joy,

you have changed so much this last month! we love watching the little person you're becoming. you know what "up" means and will raise your arms to be picked up when we say it. you got your first tooth too! you woke up often one night and your dad and i weren't sure what was going on since you usually sleep through the night. the next morning we discovered your first tooth! you are starting to wave, in fact you wave at everyone and everything. if we leave the room and walk back in, you will wave and give us the best smiles. i pray your smiles will always reflect the joy in your heart! you are starting to cry when we leave the room. you'd rather see us at all times. we hope you always enjoy surrounding yourself with the ones you love! we love you so much baby and we are so blessed to have you in our lives!

mom and dad

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