
Tessa Joy - 8 Months

weight: 17 lbs  

height: 27.25 inches

teeth: two on the bottom

nicknames: tess, stinky, munchery, little mama

hates: that she can't crawl, 

loves: playing with dad, trying new foods, spitting with her tongue out

milestones: got her second tooth, started feeding herself, moved into 6-9 month and 9 month clothes, started saying "dada"

tessa joy,

you sure are becoming quite the little person! you are so happy and always smiling, laughing, and spitting with your tongue out at us. your morning snuggles are mommy's favorite. we hope you never get too old to snuggle us. meal time is one of your favorite times of day now that you can feed yourself. you sure love to shovel those peas in! you also love to play and explore with your spoon when you're done eating. you experienced your first thanksgiving where you ate some mashed potatoes and gravy. you tried some turkey but was not a fan of that. when you really like something you eat, you make the goofiest face by scrunching up your nose and pursing your lips. we love how expressive you are baby. we hope that never changes. you are so special to us and we love you more than you know.

dad and mom

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