
A Fall Walk

Today I decided to take little Leo out for a lovely fall walk. After all, it truly looks like fall outside now with the bright leaves on the trees and some fallen on the ground. You never know how long you exactly have to enjoy this part of the season before everything turns dead and gray. The temperature read a warm 76 degrees and sunny today. I thought we should take advantage of one of the last beautiful days of fall before the weather quickly changes to be a bit chillier and in the 50's tomorrow. I quickly strapped Leo into his stroller and we were off. I couldn't help but be mesmerized by the beautiful canopy of color that surrounded us as we walked down the quiet streets of his Minneapolis neighborhood. I love everything about the contrast of the dark trunks against the vibrant orange, pink, and yellow leaves. I tend to favor the orangish, pinkish colors. They are the prettiest in my mind. As we walked along I took in the musical sound of fallen, dried up leaves crunching beneath my feet and the stroller wheels. I have been dying to hear that sound since last fall. As we turned onto a new street a slight breeze picked up and showered us with dead leaves not strong enough to hold on any longer. It looked like we were in a storm of colorful leaves as they danced around us in the wind on their way to the ground. I loved every minute of it. It was magical and it gave me a feeling deep inside that only fall can give you. I don't exactly know how to exactly explain this happy feeling, but it is wonderful. My senses were alert and I could not get enough of the fall beauty all around me. I could have walked for hours if Leo hadn't interrupted my thoughts with his tired cries. As we slowly walked back to his house for a nap, I couldn't help but whisper to the trees as I tried to soak it all in, "Hang on to those leaves a little longer. They are beautiful!"

The sun peeking through the leaves

I love the contrast with this one

Lovely contrast of textures and color

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