

February is the shortest month of the year, but for some reason I feel like this month is taking forever. Maybe because it's the peak of the winter season and it can only get warmer from here, or maybe because I'm expecting the month to fly by so it is taking that much longer. Whatever the case, this is what I've been up to lately…

Time with friends

A good book / Lovely Valentine's Day flowers

 Getting up early to work out and seeing beautiful sights such as this one

Knitting newborn hats for multiple friends and family that have babies on the way.

Enjoying these tasty little treats. I cannot get enough.

Enjoying time with this little man.

Organizing little spaces in our little apartment.

We visited a church just up 50th St from our apartment. It had a beautiful chapel with lovely stained glass windows. 

I hope everyone in the midwest is staying warm and enjoying this short month. Just a few more weeks until spring… maybe. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

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