
Life's Trials

As I sit here on my soft couch and feel the warm sun beat through the window on my back, I sip my homemade smoothie of fresh berries and yogurt as I ponder life. I feel like as we grow older and wiser we feel like the trials in our life should become lighter than in the past. But why do we think this way? After all, the trials in our life are often tests that the Lord uses to grow us and shape us. Why would they become less severe as we get older? There are always areas in one's life that the Lord has not touched or shaped yet. He grows us in one area of our life only to move on to another area to grow that one as well. That's how our God works. He wants to mold you and shape you into the best person you can be.
The days ahead may call for greater endurance and more faith than you've ever needed before, but God only gives us as much as we can handle. Thinking about this may seem scary, but how precious are the lessons learned through such experiences! It is hard to fully anticipate these things with joy, but throughout time I have found myself gaining an appreciation for them. These experiences are what mold me and shape me into who God has created me to be.
My encouragement to everyone is to apply your hearts to learn wisdom, and seek the Lord above all else. I hope everyone has a lovely weekend.

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given to him. -James 1:5

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