
Run or Dye

This past Saturday I ran my first 5k of the season. My plan was to dust off my kicks that hadn't seen the pavement for at least nine months or more, and train hard to try and beat my time from the one and only 5k I ran two summers ago. Well, Minnesota decided not to cooperate with my plan. Minnesota decided to have winter through May so I went into this 5k with only one 20 minute jog under my belt. Good thing it was more of a "fun run" and I had three friends running with me to push me along. 

Saturday was not the weather I was expecting to have on May 4th. It was overcast, wet, and 37 degrees outside. It snowed the day before. I put on my under armor shirt and pants under my shorts and shirt. I put my feet in plastic bags before lacing up my kicks to help keep my feet warm and dry. I was as ready as I could be without any training. 

My friends and I huddled together waiting for our turn to take off from the starting line. Finally it was our turn to go and as we took off we got pelted with green dye. After about a mile we started to warm up and loosen up and enjoy our run along the river in St. Paul. It was a beautiful run and the company was great! It was fun to run through the color stations and be splashed with color. We all finished the race within a minute of each other. I didn't beat my previous 5k time, but considering the weather conditions, and having no prior training, I think we all did a great job! Here's a few photos that I snapped with my iPhone of our morning before and after the race:

Me, Cassandra, and Sarah waiting for Karla to find us

Showing off our shirts we made with our team name "The Llamas"

Sarah, Karla, Cassandra, and me

Me and Cassandra wore shower caps to prevent the color from staining our hair

At the finish line… Kind of a picture fail, but I like the back ground

Throwing our dye in the air after our race

All colorful, tired, and sore after running

Now that the weather is nice, I can't wait to start training and run a few more 5k's this summer. Here's to running my best time yet!

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