
25 Years of Life

On January 5th, i celebrated my 25th birthday. i am a quarter of a century old. how and when did this happen? as i sit and think about memories and happenings of the last 25 years of life, i can't help but think of some things that i've learned along the way. here is a list i came up with of things i've learned in the last 25 years of life:
  • fall is my favorite season
  • sunsets stir my affection for christ
  • love is more than three words
  • life is short and death is unpredictable
  • smiles can make your day
  • you can never eat too many pickles
  • life is 100 times better when you can do it with your best friend (so thankful for andrew)
  • being a nanny and watching/helping the kids learn and develop is one of the most rewarding things
  • god's plans are better than mine
  • dating without intentions of marriage is pointless and dangerous for the heart
  • when i don't hit snooze and get up right away, i feel more awake and have a better outlook on the day
  • i like to drink my water at room temperature
  • ice cream makes everything ok in life
  • the ocean will always have a special place in my heart (maybe one day i'll live by it)
  • forgiving someone is proof of your love
  • sewing has become one of my favorite hobbies - i love creating things
  • exercising regularly gives me more energy during the day and helps me sleep better at night
  • everyone has something that makes their heart glad
  • being challenged to grow is a good thing
  • when you're little you wish you were a grown up and once you grow up you wish you were little again
  • the world can be a cold hard place
  • if you're too serious in life, you won't have any room for fun
  • little girls need to feel pretty
  • my family is precious more so than anything
  • beer and red wine taste awful 
  • teachers don't get paid enough for all that they do
  • change is inevitable
  • there's something about taking a vacation that cleanses your soul and helps you appreciate home a little more
  • clean eating and exercise are important to your body's health
  • there's so much more inside people than we see
  • there's something magical about kayaking in the early morning on a still lake
  • friends that will laugh with you and do life with you are the best
  • no matter how many times i vacuum, it could always be done again
  • i wouldn't be where i am today without god's unconditional love and never ending grace
  • good teachers make school so much more enjoyable and learning ten times for fun
  • wedding hair is a passion of mine and i secretly wish i could do it every day 
  • i appreciate a phone call or a hand written note opposed to social media

i can't wait to add to this list as many more birthdays pass. Here are a few photos of how we celebrated my 25th this year:

dinner at Chino Latino's

Kathryn and I

TJ, Karla, me, and Kelsey

 my birthday desert was a deep fried snickers bar with a scoop of ice cream. i love the sparkler they stuck in it.

Karla, me, and Kelsey

Me and Bridget

Andrew and me

My birthday gift from my love

thank you to everyone who came out and helped me celebrate. i am excited to see what this next year of life has to offer. 

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