
Christmas Break

Over the holidays I was lucky enough to enjoy 10 straight days off of work. What a blessing it was to have a mini "staycation" with my husband who was also off work (teacher perks). We enjoyed our first "Christmas break" together since college. We enjoyed time with friends together and separately, celebrated 3 years of marriage, made a gingerbread house, saw a movie, played broomball (I could not move for three days after that!), went sledding, enjoyed lazy days, deep cleaned our apartment, and shared lovely times with family on Christmas Eve and Christmas day. It was such a wonderful break that it was hard to go back to reality. Here are just a few photos I managed to capture during all the fun:

At Bethlehem's Christmas Eve service

Christmas day… at the end of the day

It was hard to try and get our tree in there

I saw the most amazing sunset while we were driving one evening. This photo is not edited in any way.

Sledding with our friends (Billy, Luke, and Andrew)

We crashed into the weeds

Bridget, Becca, and me

Me and Andrew

Went to lunch with my friend Liese visiting from SC and my friend Kelsey

We missed each other and were so glad for our short time together catching up.

 What fun things did you do over Christmas? I hope whatever you did, you were able to enjoy time with family, and friends and those closest to you! Merry Christmas!

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