
Fall Crafts

This is what I've been doing in what little spare time I've had this fall. I've noticed that I've been so excited to create things that I've started multiple projects and only finished one so far. Oh well, I have the whole winter ahead of me right?

Scarf I taught myself how to knit. Still a work in progress, but very excited to finish and wear!

The beginnings of my fall garland

The fall garland that I made

Another fall garland

I started a quilt with all my scrap fabrics I've accumulated over the years 

All my pieces laid out before piecing blocks together

One of the blocks before being sewn together. The quilt is still a work in progress. I'm in the middle of sewing all the blocks together.

What kind of crafts do you like to do in the fall/winter? If you don't do crafts, what do you like to do to keep yourself busy and shake the winter blues?

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