

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, and it's not just because of all the yummy food. I love seeing and spending time with family. There's something magical about Thanksgiving that makes spending time with family extra special. I love sitting around the table after eating a ginormous, delicious meal and catching up on life. I love taking walks as a group as we talk and toss around the football to each other. I love pulling out a deck of cards and playing endless card games. I love all those things and they're some of the many things I'm thankful for this year.

I am thankful for:

a loving husband.
a Savior that died for my sins so that I may have life.
good health.
two jobs that I love.
a place to live in a lovely and convenient location.
working cars that get us from point A to point B.
family and friends.
our playful kitty Darla.
my education.
my ability to laugh and enjoy life.
being an American.
the different seasons.
my ability to create and craft.

I hope you all enjoy celebrating Thanksgiving and what you are thankful for! May the Lord bless you with full hearts and full bellies!

P.S. Here's a little "Happy Thanksgiving" from Leo (the young boy I nanny.)

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