

My birthday drink had a sparkler in it!
A little over a week ago now I celebrated my twenty-fourth birthday. I always dreaded the day I would turn twenty-four because that's the age I feel like you become "old". You're no longer college age, you have bills and loan payments, you have a full time job, people are married/engaged, some people have a baby or one on the way, and all around I feel like you just have to act more responsible. I always thought on the morning of my twenty-fourth birthday I would wake up feeling older and more responsible and less like a carefree woman in her early twenty's. Instead when I woke up, I felt like I was swimming under water because I had a head cold so bad. I didn't feel any older or any different.

I was able to start the day off with a lovely waffle breakfast and a quick visit to the chiropractor to help with my cold. From there I ventured out to have lunch and do some minor shopping with my mom. When I got back from that I took a nice birthday nap to help with my cold. I had to be rested for what Andrew had planned for the evening.

Drew and I

One of Andrew's goals for the year was to make my birthday a bigger deal and more special for me since I love birthdays so much. He did that by planning, organizing, and inviting friends to dinner with us, then out for drinks and to watch the Packers VS Vikings play off game. Despite having my head cold, it was a lovely evening to celebrate and hang out with friends that I don't get to see that often. Thanks Drew for making my birthday so special! Being twenty-four isn't as bad as it seemed.

Our menus said, "Happy Birthday Mallory."

Blurry close up of our menus.

Drew and Schuey showing off their drinks.

Sarah and her ginormous spoon they gave her with her meal.

A round of scooby snacks for everyone.

Me and Sarah.

Me and Liesey Poo

All the lovely ladies who helped me celebrate! Love you all!

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