
Photo Booth Fun

My husband and I recently attended a wedding that had a photo booth for guests to use while waiting for dinner and the dance at the reception. I had never been to a wedding before that provided a photo booth and I thought it was fantastic. The photo booth had an assortment of different props that we could use to make the photos more fun. I could not get enough of it! Luckily Andrew was willing to tag along in my fun. I think we used it five or six different times that night! Here are some fun shots from the evening:

Definitely a fun thing to have at a wedding! I've been kind of absent in my posting lately. I'm getting over what the doctors called a "glorified cold". I got it from the cute little boy I nanny. Little did I know this was a killer cold. I was sick for two weeks and it's still lingering a bit. After 3 1/2 boxes of kleenexes, a week sleeping trying to sleep on the couch (because I had to prop myself up), a lot of coughing, and a visit to the doctor where they made me wear a mask, I'm thankful that I'm now feeling better and I was able to go to our friends' wedding in Illinois (more to come on that later). 

All the kleenexes I used in just an hour… no fun.

A very attractive look sitting in a waiting room full of people. They look at you like you have a terrible disease.

I hope you all have been enjoying your last couple weeks of summer!

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