
Time, Energy, and Joy

"When some basic need is lacking- time, energy, money- consider yourself blessed. Your very lack is an opportunity to latch onto Me in unashamed dependence. When you begin a day with inadequate resources, you must concentrate your efforts on the present moment. This is where you are meant to live- in the present; it is the place where I always await you. Awareness of your inadequacy is a rich blessing, training you to rely wholeheartedly on Me. 
The truth is that self-sufficiency is a myth perpetuated by pride and temporary success. Health and wealth can disappear instantly, as can life itself. Rejoice in your insufficiency, knowing that My power is made perfect in weakness

-Taken from my devotional Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

Life this last week has felt rushed, tiresome, money lacking, and unenjoyable. I totally needed to read this today in my devotional book (which is amazing by the way and so encouraging. You should check it out!) and the Lord knew it. How thankful I am to have a Savior to latch onto in dependence- especially in times like this last week. I have been trying to cram too much into too little of time thinking to myself that I can do it- like everything is just magically going to go my way. I have wasted a lot of time and energy and it has been very unenjoyable. I'm thankful to have a God though that will humble me and help lead me back onto my path I have stumbled off of in my prideful moments. What a lovely reminder to live in the present and enjoy every moment. 

 But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weakness, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 
-2 Corinthians 12:9


Life Update

It has been awhile since I've updated you all on our life. Here's a glimpse at what we're up to and what God has been doing in our life:

Andrew and I still live in Minneapolis, MN in our first apartment we've lived in since being married. We are still the property managers of this apartment building, and Andrew has become an expert at shoveling and other maintenance work. Thankfully our building has been pretty quiet the last 9 months with only one turnover. The Lord knew we needed rest after our crazy busy summer season in 2012. 

I still have the privilege of nannying sweet little Leo two days a week. I look forward to seeing him every week and enjoy having variety in my work schedule. I am excited for late July/early August when Leo will become a big brother and I will become a nanny of two little tykes. I can't wait for little baby snuggles again! 

Drew is busy subbing every day he can get a job as the school year is quickly coming to an end. This is what has kept him busy the last year as he's been searching and patiently waiting on the Lord's perfect timing for a job. 

Salon Centric (or "the store" is what I often call it) is my place of work I spend 4 days a week. I have been there since the first day of September. I have a love hate relationship with this job, but in the end, the good always outweighs the bad. I love the fast paced environment, the endless tasks, the knowledge and constant learning that comes with this job, the perks (discounts/free product), and most of all, the customers. I often look forward to the days I'm at the store. Especially now that I have such a great group of girls to work with! I also love that it's in my field (Cosmetology) since my eczema makes it very difficult for me to work in a salon. 

Drew is coaching attempting to coach baseball this spring as the season hasn't really graced us with its presence yet. He is coaching for Mound-Westonka B-Squad and the JV team. They have practiced outside once so far this season and every game has been cancelled. As soon as the snow completely melts his nights will be full of baseball game after baseball game. 

I have entered busy season of doing wedding hair on the weekends. My summer is booking up nicely. This is one thing I look forward to every summer. I love wedding season and doing wedding hair. I have at least one wedding a month (since March) and multiple weddings in June and July. I am so thankful for clients and the opportunity to use my skills and passion that the Lord has blessed me with.

In 15 days we leave to go on our first vacation as a married couple (minus our honeymoon). We are going to Playa Del Carmen, Mexico and we cannot wait. Our good friends Karla and TJ will be going with us which will make it all the more fun. It will be so nice to leave behind life for five days and just relax and soak up some much needed vitamin D. We are so pumped!

Drew is also coaching VFW baseball this summer too out of Mound. He will be coaching a lot of the guys he is coaching this spring. Not only is that a passion of his, but he gets paid to do it. I'm looking forward to watching him coach and set an example for his baseball boys that look up to him. He is also playing in a softball league on Friday nights. I can't wait to cheer him on!

BIGGEST NEWS YET: Andrew got a full-time job for the summer! He will be working in the Mound district at a summer program for elementary aged kids. He will basically be a lead "teacher" and is in charge of planning their field trips they will take once a week. This was such an answer to prayer for us. Not only is it a job for Andrew that he will enjoy, but it is a great resume builder and will hopefully help (Lord willing) open some doors for jobs in the fall.

Some of the things God has been teaching us in this season of life is patience and trust. It was so hard for Andrew to go a year and a half without a consistent job. There were many times when we had to use every ounce of strength we could to trust that this was all in God's good plan for us and that he would use it to help grow and shape us. And that is exactly what He has been doing. 

The Lord has continually shown us grace and mercy and has constantly provided for us. He has shown us that we are so young still and we do not need to have our life planned out. There are so many more adventures that lay ahead and we have all the time in the world to experience them. He has shown us how essential it is to trust Him with our life and to seek Him in everything we do. It is a very scary thing because we automatically try to control things and we have to let go of that, but life is so much more simple and beautiful when we trust God to take the reigns. 

Drew and I have no idea what the fall holds for us. We don't know where we will be or what we will be doing, but if we put the fear of that behind us it's kind of exciting. The Lord has an adventure planned for us and He is waiting for just the right time to reveal it. In the mean time, we would appreciate any prayers for continued patience and trust. It is nothing that we have mastered, it is something we have to work at every day. Thank you so much friends! 


A Little Bit of "Sunshine"

Anyone who lives in Minnesota or knows anyone who lives in Minnesota knows that the people of this state have been lacking some vitamin D. What we thought was the first day of spring in March, was really just a day that got our hopes up only to be crushed by the snowstorms we've had EVERY week of April so far. Despite the endless shoveling (my poor husband who shovels the sidewalks outside of our apartment complex) and the not so springy weather, we've managed to try to not let the snow slow us down. Here's a little bit of "sunshine" that's been in our lives lately, despite the lack of sunshine:

This little man has always been some sunshine in my life.  Look at that smile!

Hanging out with friends despite life's busyness and trying new restaurants.

Going to see a Twin's game while it was snowing/raining. At least we got free hot chocolate and cool buttons that said, "I survived 'sprinter' at Target Field". 

Indoor parks like Edinburough and the play place at Southdale Mall where I can take this little man and run around with him.

Despite the fact that it's supposed to be spring and we all wish the snow was melted, you have to admit that it is breathtakingly beautiful! I love the morning after a dumping of snow when the snow softly rests on the branches of trees, the sun is shining, and the world seems quiet and still. What a beautiful sight. Hoping this is the last sight like that until November after Thanksgiving though. Hope all you Minnesotans are surviving "sprinter". 


A Beautiful Message

This video is so powerful that I had to share it. What a beautiful message that every girl, young and old need to hear. You are more beautiful than you think. 


Spring Adventures

It's that time of year when people start to get stir crazy. The snow is hanging on too long (it's April right?) and there isn't much more you can do indoors. The kids are wanting to get outside, but it's still chilly enough out to make you sit by the window and look out, daydreaming of summer. That is how Leo (the boy I nanny) and I have been feeling lately. Since it's still too chilly and wet to play outside, but we needed to get out of the house, we decided to venture over to the Children's Museum and check it out. We had a lovely time there and Leo made many friends. Here are some snapshots I took with my iPhone of Leo having a blast:

I did not know he could climb like this… He climbed up this rope to go down a slide.

He loved watching the fish swim around

Being a butterfly

He was fascinated with the water

Putting the balls in the tubes...

Watching the balls plop out the other end.

He probably would have stood there all day touching that water.

He was fascinated. 

Moving around some wooden blocks.

Taking a seat.

Cute boy.

He loved these mirrors.

He kept trying to give himself a hug.

We will definitely be visiting again on a chilly or rainy day when there is nothing better to do. Leo loved learning while exploring all the new things the Children's museum had to offer. We had a blast. Next time though we will be sure to remember where we parked so we don't have to search for our car for 20 minutes… oops! Here's to hoping spring is just around the corner!


Summer Days

Now that spring has finally arrived (fingers crossed hoping we won't get the snow that's supposed to come tonight and tomorrow) I cannot hardly wait for summer! Besides fall, summer is one of my favorite seasons. I love the warm weather and all the activities and adventures that come along with it. Here are some things I am looking forward to...

…cheering my man on at softball games
…breathtaking sun sets
…running 5k's with my ladies
…tank tops and shorts
…late night bonfires
…weekends up north
…tanned skin with a freckled face
…Ice cream at all my favorite ice cream shops
…days at the beach soaking up the sun
…kayak trips around the lake
…wedding hair season
…running and working out outdoors
…yard games and playing outside
…the Minnesota State Fair
…warmer weather
…hangouts with friends late into the night
…Monticello's Riverfest 
…fresh eating and fresh salsa
…farmer's market
…eating dinner outside
…Laura and Audrey visiting from Japan

I could go on and on. I am definitely looking forward to summer and all that summer 2013 has to offer. What are some of your favorite things to do in the summer? 


Happy Birthday Drew!

Happy 24th birthday to my dear husband Andrew! I feel so blessed to be married to you. I am so thankful I get to spend the rest of my life with you growing old together. May the Lord continue to bless you this next year of life, and may you continue to grow closer to Him each day. I am so proud of you Drew and all that you have accomplished so far in our life together. I'm excited to see what the Lord has in store for you in your 24th year of life. I love you to the moon and back!

Andrew as a little tyke