
A Little Bit of "Sunshine"

Anyone who lives in Minnesota or knows anyone who lives in Minnesota knows that the people of this state have been lacking some vitamin D. What we thought was the first day of spring in March, was really just a day that got our hopes up only to be crushed by the snowstorms we've had EVERY week of April so far. Despite the endless shoveling (my poor husband who shovels the sidewalks outside of our apartment complex) and the not so springy weather, we've managed to try to not let the snow slow us down. Here's a little bit of "sunshine" that's been in our lives lately, despite the lack of sunshine:

This little man has always been some sunshine in my life.  Look at that smile!

Hanging out with friends despite life's busyness and trying new restaurants.

Going to see a Twin's game while it was snowing/raining. At least we got free hot chocolate and cool buttons that said, "I survived 'sprinter' at Target Field". 

Indoor parks like Edinburough and the play place at Southdale Mall where I can take this little man and run around with him.

Despite the fact that it's supposed to be spring and we all wish the snow was melted, you have to admit that it is breathtakingly beautiful! I love the morning after a dumping of snow when the snow softly rests on the branches of trees, the sun is shining, and the world seems quiet and still. What a beautiful sight. Hoping this is the last sight like that until November after Thanksgiving though. Hope all you Minnesotans are surviving "sprinter". 

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