
Summer Days

Now that spring has finally arrived (fingers crossed hoping we won't get the snow that's supposed to come tonight and tomorrow) I cannot hardly wait for summer! Besides fall, summer is one of my favorite seasons. I love the warm weather and all the activities and adventures that come along with it. Here are some things I am looking forward to...

…cheering my man on at softball games
…breathtaking sun sets
…running 5k's with my ladies
…tank tops and shorts
…late night bonfires
…weekends up north
…tanned skin with a freckled face
…Ice cream at all my favorite ice cream shops
…days at the beach soaking up the sun
…kayak trips around the lake
…wedding hair season
…running and working out outdoors
…yard games and playing outside
…the Minnesota State Fair
…warmer weather
…hangouts with friends late into the night
…Monticello's Riverfest 
…fresh eating and fresh salsa
…farmer's market
…eating dinner outside
…Laura and Audrey visiting from Japan

I could go on and on. I am definitely looking forward to summer and all that summer 2013 has to offer. What are some of your favorite things to do in the summer? 

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