
Spring Adventures

It's that time of year when people start to get stir crazy. The snow is hanging on too long (it's April right?) and there isn't much more you can do indoors. The kids are wanting to get outside, but it's still chilly enough out to make you sit by the window and look out, daydreaming of summer. That is how Leo (the boy I nanny) and I have been feeling lately. Since it's still too chilly and wet to play outside, but we needed to get out of the house, we decided to venture over to the Children's Museum and check it out. We had a lovely time there and Leo made many friends. Here are some snapshots I took with my iPhone of Leo having a blast:

I did not know he could climb like this… He climbed up this rope to go down a slide.

He loved watching the fish swim around

Being a butterfly

He was fascinated with the water

Putting the balls in the tubes...

Watching the balls plop out the other end.

He probably would have stood there all day touching that water.

He was fascinated. 

Moving around some wooden blocks.

Taking a seat.

Cute boy.

He loved these mirrors.

He kept trying to give himself a hug.

We will definitely be visiting again on a chilly or rainy day when there is nothing better to do. Leo loved learning while exploring all the new things the Children's museum had to offer. We had a blast. Next time though we will be sure to remember where we parked so we don't have to search for our car for 20 minutes… oops! Here's to hoping spring is just around the corner!

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